About me

Hi! I’m Ann Tonge, and I have a PhD in Creative Writing.

For many years I dabbled with imaginative writing, and promised myself that one day I would write a book about my experiences growing up as a ‘ten pound pom’ in Australia. It took almost half a century, but I got there in the end!

When my family came back to the UK in the 1970’s, I was lucky enough to be taught English by Enid Jones, the same teacher who encouraged Phillip Pullman to write – although I didn’t do anything about it until years later, her appreciation and encouragement stayed with me. Skip a few years, after a very circuitous route, I decided to take an Open University Creative Writing course and eventually went on to complete a PhD at Cardiff Metropolitan University. My thesis was partly ‘that’ book which I had promised myself to write, and partly an academic paper examining postcolonial literary theory’s relevance for Australian writers and literature  – available here: https://figshare.cardiffmet.ac.uk/articles/thesis/Aussie_Not_Aussie_Widening_the_Postcolonial_Lens/21511989) – the creative element (novel) has been redacted as I plan to publish it. Its current title is Dear Gods & Little Fishes, but you’ll have to read the book once it’s published if you want to know why!

Over recent years, I have taught English and Creative Writing, and discovered a particular leaning towards developmental editing, both creative and academic – if you are looking for someone to provide writing, mentoring or editing services, please do read some of my testimonials from fellow writers.

On this site, I’m going to be sharing some of the creative writing, academic writing and editing tips that I have learned along my journey so far, offering my services as a writer and editor, and blogging my personal thoughts and experiences in navigating the world of agents and publishers as I try to find a home for my memoir-based novel.

Thank you for reading – and do please get in touch if you have any questions!

Ann x